Cloud Bundles

We can read and evaluate data from Nexmosphere sensors in various ways:

by Brightsign players, Android or Windows App if your installation allows this. Also we can just put our Cloudlink device between the Nexmosphere controller and your receiving device, for example a Samsung Magic Info screen.

This installation will take 2 minutes and has no effect on your local installation. Once hooked up, we get the raw sensor data into our cloud, evaluate it, explain and show it and drive your business decisions.

We can get data from all Nexmosphere sensors and tailor-make your use case. However, we also offer ready-to-go bundles to get you started right now

Lift & Learn Performance

We give you the total pickup numbers and the average engagement time for all connected products (sensors).

This allows you to replace less interesting products or replacing products at better locations.

  • Works with all Nexmosphere Lift & Learn or Pick & Place
  • Realtime dashboards and history for 3 days
  • Dashboard “Pickups in 24h”
  • Dashboard “Engagement time”
  • Dashboard “Product performance comparison”
  • History for 3 days
  • Supports up to 16 sensors and 1 controller

Get business critical data.

Increase sales of high-priced products.

Lift & Learn History

Gather real time data and historic data to learn about customer interest during 90 days history, comparing days to each other or even compare store performance versus other stores.

Includes “Performance” package.

Lift & Learn Engage

All the data from the above packages, but on top of that we will send a push message to your staff on premises if a customer is engaging with some product for more than 20 seconds.

As you know, the personal guidance increases your sales probability by several 100 %, especially if the customer is already interested in a product.


Cloudlink is connected between existing Nexmosphere sensor installations and instantly sends the sensor data to the cloud while your local installation continues to work as it is. The gathered sensor data finally gives you insight into your store processes and customer interest,
driving business-critical decisions.

All packages require a SIGNAGE PILOT account and a CLOUDLINK box.

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